To apply for admission to St. Winifred Innovation Institute Ibadan:
Step 1: Student should login and print out Admission letter and verify if admitted or not.
Step 2:
Student should login and check the Payment Advice for the due payment.
Step 3: Student should Apply for Admmission. Read your instruction properly before you proceed.
Step 4:
Login with created username and password to print your Admission letter, load your e-wallet with the semester tuition fee scratch card to proceed with your semester course registration and access the semester's materials.
Download and print the following documents necessary for your studentship verification and semester examinations:
- Student's Identity Card
- Admission Letter (for new students)
- Course Registration Slip
- Current Exam Registration Slip
- E-wallet Summary
Use your username and password OR surname and matric no(for already registered student) to have access to your student home page.